NIOSH-Approved Spirometry ‘Refresher’ Course


  • April 4 (Friday) – Coralville, Iowa

*Please contact us to register

Additional courses by request – Please inquire.

Will travel to your site – Please inquire.

Contact us for course availability and details.

The NIOSH Spirometry Refresher Course is offered to students who have successfully completed the introductory NIOSH-Approved Spirometry Training Course within the previous 5 years and 7 months.  Students with a course certificate that is dated prior to a 5-year and 7-month cutoff date will need to complete the Introductory course again before taking their first Refresher Course.  Students must provide a copy of their certificate to the course sponsor for verification.


The refresher course will include the following:

  1. Review of the most recent ATS/ERS, ACOEM, and OSHA testing standards and guidelines
  2. Review of testing contraindications and procedures
  3. Review of technical procedures and instrumentation requirements including calibration procedures, sources of error, and their correction for both volume displacement and flow measuring spirometers
  4. Review of the effective use of volume-time and flow-volume displays
  5. Review of common spirometry testing errors and applicable corrective actions
  6. Review recommended procedures for proper infection control
  7. Differentiation of lung function patterns (normal, obstructive, restrictive, and mixed disease) using test results and the spirograms.

This course is approved for nursing continuing education credits.  Continuing education credit designations are through a partnership with Kirkwood Community College (KCC) and participants are awarded 6.5 contact hours.  KCC  requires full-time attendance for contact hour award.

Registration fee is $400 per person for the 1-day NIOSH Approved Refresher Course.  Registration includes all course materials, nursing contact hours, NIOSH Spirometry re-certification upon successful completion of the course (valid for another 5 years and 7 months) and light snacks (Coralville location only).  Course time is 7:30 AM-4:00 PM.

Courses are conducted in Coralville, Iowa.  Sponsor may travel to the requesters’ site to give courses – please call or e-mail to inquire.